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Join us on Facebook or e-mail us at!
Sullivan Soccer Association is gearing up for its fall season! We are a not-for-profit organization seeking sponsors who are willing to contribute to uniforms, new equipment, awards, and trophies for our participants.
Sponsor contributions allow our kids a chance to play and provide you with a great advertising opportunity in the community!
Check out your sponsorship options below.
Won't you join us? Email us today if you wish to mail in your sponsorship.
Rather pay online? Find us on
Venmo @Sullivan-Soccer
or submit your sponsorship through PayPal.
Simply indicate what type of sponsorship you are requesting and enter in the appropriate fee.
2023 Team Sponsorships are FULL! Thank YOU!
Your company name will be on the shirt of every child on one team. With almost 400 kids last season, you can’t go wrong with sponsoring a team!
We have roughly 34 Team sponsorships available. Sponsorships and team colors will be assigned by SSA with receipt of sponsor payment on a first-come, first-serve basis.
2023 Goalie Sponsorship is FULL! Thank YOU FSCB!
Your company name will be on the shirt of every goalie in the league. With almost 35 teams last year, your company will be a household name this season.
We have 1 Goalie Sponsorship available. Goalie shirts are only available in white and will be assigned by SSA with receipt of sponsor payment on a first-come, first-serve basis.
$275.00 Referee Sponsor – Your company name will be on the shirt of every official in the league at every game. With 280 games last season, your company will stand out among the rest!
We have 1 Referee Sponsorship available.
Shirts are only available in black and will be assigned by SSA with receipt of sponsor payment on a first-come, first-serve basis.
$300.00 Field Sponsor – Your company will have a banner placed on one of the youth fields for the duration of the season. Your company banner will not only serve as a landmark at the complex but as a venue on every game schedule online.
We only have (5) Field sponsorships available. Sponsorships and banner colors will be assigned by SSA with receipt of sponsor payment on a first-come, first-serve basis.